singer- songwriters op de woensdag avond. Een maal per maand. Telkens de 2e woensdag avond van de maand. Elke keer twee singer- songwriters.
Ricardo& DjoO
Wolf Music
Both Maxime Cathalina and Glyn Hoogvliets have been passionated about music for a long time. Maxime started singing before she could even speak properly and has been taking singing lessons since she was a teenager. Glyn enjoyed watching famous guitar players, who inspired him to start playing the guitar himself. They discovered that they were a perfect match, which didn’t come as a surprise: they have been knowing each other their whole lives, and therefore have a strong connection, both mentally and musically. This connection first expressed itself only through covering songs of various artists, but recently Maxime and Glyn also started writing their own music. In fact, they’re currently working on their debut album!
Whether it is a cover or a self-written song they are performing, their musical energy will always be felt: two souls, one sound!
Ricardo& DjoO
DjoO is een singer songwriter die al vele jaren ervaring heeft. Geïnspireerd door amerikaanse grootheden als Neil Yound an Bob Dylan maakt hij eigen nummers en covers van amerikaanse artiesten. Dit keer treed hij op samen met Ricardo Frederiks jeugd stadsdichter heerlen. Een bijzondere combinatie en beleving
Wolf Music.
singer/songwriter Jacky de Ruiter, beter bekend als Wolf & vaste gitarist Bence Dejong.